hye2..apa khabaq..
lma takdengaq citerr Intan ken..
Baru nie Intan nak update psal Wedding kakak Intan..
tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii disebabkan "RAJIN" sngattttttttt..
Intan nakkkkkkkk nangesssssss boleyyyy..
(bt sedihhh tahap maxsimum...)
mlm nie tetibaaaaaaaaaa acc dua2 fb Intan kena hack...
alorhhhhhhhhhhhhh..sayang tau takk dkt fb Intan..
tapi syg Intan dkt yg laenn bnyakk sngattt..
-bkn pakwe tauuuuuu..
Single but Not Available...
Tadi acc fb ayah n mak Intan kena hack,,
then tiba2 acc fb Intan n kak Intan kena hackkk...
Your account is temporarily lockedYour browser has been infected with malware. You may have been infected when you clicked on a link to watch a "shocking video" from a friend's status update or visited a website claiming to offer special features on Facebook. For example, there are sites that claim they can show you who's viewing your timeline, change the color of your timeline or help you remove your timeline completely. These features don't exist.
Once infected, these malicious extensions spam your facebook friends and steal your personal information. We will help you remove the malicious extensions from your browser. Please click continue to begin the process.
sepakkkkkkk laju2 kang...
k arhh nak smbung study mlm coz ptg tadi daa puas tdi..
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